Any version of your thesis or activities report should follow the following naming convention:
lastname_student number_type_specialization.
For example for a thesis in the 1-year Master:
For example for a thesis in the Research Master:
For example for a research proposal in the Master:
File naming: Lastname _ student number _ type_ specialization.pdf |
Lastname | Your last name without extras such as van, der, de. |
Student number | Student number without an i |
Type | - BT: bachelor thesis
- RP: research proposal
- MT: master thesis
CAR: clinical activities report MINT: minor thesis
Specialization | - NP= 1-year master Neuropsychology
- HS= 1-year master Health and Social Psychology
- DP= 1-year master Developmental Psychology
- LP = 1-year master Legal Psychology
- CN = 1-year master Cognitive Neuroscience
- WO = 1-year master Work and Organizational Psychology
- RMNP = Research Master Neuropsychology
- RMCN = Research Master Cognitive Neuroscience
- RMCP = Research Master Clinical Psychology (formerly Psychopathology)
- RMFN = Research Master Fundamental Neuroscience
- RMNE = Research Master Neuroeconomics
- RMDD = Research Master Drug Development
- FM=Master in Forensic Psychology
- MMH=Master Mental Health