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Video: info for teachers and tutors

Zoom for video conferencing

Instruction: How to upload and embed video in Canvas

On this page:
- Available tools
    Tools for day to day educational activities
    Tools for special educational activities

- Your options
    I want to live stream & record my lecture
    I want to upload a video or pre-record a lecture
    I want to re-use an old lecture recording
   I want to schedule online tutorial group meetings

- Tips and Tricks
- Support


Available tools

Tools for day to day educational activities


Mediasite recorder in lecture halls

What is it?Hardware to record + live stream lectures.
Available in rooms with 70 seats or more.
How to use?Contact the Education Office
User limitMax 600 concurrent live viewers


What is it?Website to upload clips and manage desktop recordings. If given the correct 'module' (tag), the recording will be available in Canvas.
How to use?Online, visitmediasite.maastricht...

User limitmax 300 concurrent viewers UM wide

Zoom Meeting Basic

What is it?Browser and software based conferencing.
How to use?

Canvas course > Zoom
and via the Zoom app.

Create an account entering UM-email and different (!) password on Zoom.us.

User limitMax. 300 participants,
max. 2 concurrent scheduled meetings per account.


Tools for special educational activities

Special educational activities, such as meetings with simulated patients or full day events, might require non-standard solutions. For example the use of Zoom Webinar, live streaming to other platforms or recording video in a professional studio. Contact video-FPN for more information.
Zoom Meeting XL

Max. 500 attendees (webcam and microphone)

Zoom WebinarUp to 1000 participants (viewers). Contact video-fpn@.

Knowledge clips,
ive streams

Several options available. Contact video-fpn@.



Your options

I want to live stream & record my lecture

Lecture recording is the default in the bachelor programme, and optional in the master programmes. See the page  Lecture recording: info for staff and students.


How it works

The following tools can live stream and/or record your lecture:

Zoom Meeting

How to schedule?  
Canvas course > Zoom

Where can students find the link to the live stream?
You post the link in your course(s).

Where can students watch the recording?
You download the recording, then upload it to Mediasite.
See below, I want to upload a video >>


Record/stream from lecture halls via Mediasite

Available in rooms with 70 seats or more.

Lecture recording is the default in the bachelor programme, and optional in the master programmes. See the page  Lecture recording: info for staff and students.

How to schedule?  
Contact Video-FPN.

Where can students find the link to the live stream?
Video-FPN sends you the link. You post it.

Where can students watch the recording?
Video-FPN adds the recording to the catalog in your course.

Very limited, only Q and A via email. FPN did not invest in other interactivity options.


Record/stream from lecture halls via Zoom

FPN did not invest in the hardware needed to stream lectures via Zoom on the computer in the lecture hall.

Please note that lecture hall infrastructure does not provide vision (lecture hall camera) or sound (lecture hall microphone) as a usable input in Zoom. In other words: you need a webcam and microphone if you want to use Zoom.

Also note that only one monitor is provided, can hinder navigation between applications.

• My Mediasite is the platform where you upload lecture recordings and clips, also those from Zoom.
• Course coordinators can request the ability to record Zoom sessions. Contact video-fpn.


I want to upload a video / pre-record a lecture

• My Mediasite is the platform where you upload lecture recordings and clips, also those from Zoom.

•  For lectures, please record your webcam too. This gives a more 'inclusive' experience and also helps those with a hearing impairment.

•  Consider recording knowledge clips to explain key concepts. Contact video-FPN for tips and support.



How it works

• To record, you can use any  tool that can record presentations as an MP4-file. Powerpoint also offers a recording option. Or use Zoom.

• Upload the clip via My Mediasite, see this explainer  Video: How to upload in Mediasite  .  Or you could read this UB instruction.

• Once the clip has been processed, change the visibility to 'viewable'  and select your course name under 'Add module'.


• Now students should have access to the video. Check if you see the upload in your course under 'Mediasite Videos'.



I want to re-use an old lecture recording

Contact Video-FPN if you have old recordings that you want to use. Otherwise,  viewing old recordings will be blocked automatically. Instead of re-using old recordings, you might want to consider recording a new lecture or knowledge clips. Video-fpn can help you with this.

You can find published old recordings on Canvas (under 'mediasite videos') or on Blackboard . Always include the link to the recording, and where it can be found in the old course.



I want to schedule online tutorial group meetings


How it works

• The tutor creates a recurring Zoom meeting via the Zoom-page in Canvas.. This creates one re-usable link per tutorial group.  When using Canvas to schedule the recurring meeting, other instructors and tutors get automatically added as 'co-hosts'.

• Students find the link in the course, under the heading ' Zoom'. 

• Please ask students to create a zoom.us  account using the @student.maastrichtuniversity.nl email address. And ask them to use the Zoom application with this account.



Tips and Tricks


Let's start with general tips to reduce stress during your meetings:

• When you start a powerpoint presentation, your entire screen will be occupied by powerpoint. Switching between applications can be complicated. A second monitor is a great addition, so that can see the chat and/or your presentation notes.

• Use a wired internet connection. Turn Wifi off. (Airplane mode)

• Start your meetings 10 minutes in advance, so everyone can join in time.

• Depending on the size of the group, you might want have a dedicated (chat)moderator.

• Turn off any alert sounds or popups. For example Outlook sounds.


Each tool has its quirks, read these tips and tricks to prevent unpleasant surprises.

My Mediasite




• Maastricht University has bought Zoom licenses for students and staff. Students register with the @student.maastrichtuniversity.nl account at Zoom.us.

Staff: Once you make a meeting in Canvas, Zoom creates an account under your UM email address. Go to Zoom.us > forgot password to set a password. The meetings that you create, show up in the Zoom.us dashboard and can also be edited from the Zoom website.

•You can only host ONE Zoom meeting at any given time. The determining factor for this is if you are the one who scheduled the meeting.

• Make sure that you have assigned an alternative host. Only the (alternative) host can start a recording.

• If you create a meeting via Canvas, the other teachers and the tutors will be added as 'alternative hosts'. You can see the automatically added hosts when creating the meeting.

For the 'alternative host' access to work, they either need to go the the meeting via Canvas, OR login to zoom with their UM zoom account.

• When communicating about a meeting, just sending the zoom link is not enough. Also mention the meeting ID and the passcode. Why? The meeting ID and passcode truly work on all devices.

• Are you using a 'Canvas Blueprint'-course, for example because you teach Bachelor courses? Then create the Zoom meetings in the IPN-course, NOT IN THE BLUEPRINT. Paste the links, meeting ID's and passcodes into the PSY-course.

• Recording records the active speaker. Not the other students.

• When entering Zoom, you will not see any previous chat messages.

• By default 'participant screen sharing' is off, but you can enable it in the session.

•  If you recorded the meeting, you can find the recording under the tab 'Cloud recordings'. and on https://zoom.us. Download the files and upload the largest file to Mediasite.

Note that recordings will be automatically deleted after 10 days.



My Mediasite

Good to know

• Your media files in My mediasite do not count towards the 1 Gygabite storage limit in Canvas.

• Other teachers in the course cannot change or edit your uploaded media files.

• It takes some time before your upload is available. 60 seconds of recording equals 90 seconds of processing time.

• Quality is 720p. Enough to call it HD, but you would be dissapointed if Ziggo switched to this resolution.

• Expect recordings to be huge in file size. A 60 MB upload gets converted to a 600 MB file. There are ways to make the video available as a download.


•  After uploading, you need to set the 'visibility' to 'viewable'.  And you need to select your course under 'modules'. Only then will students be able to see your video. You can do this while Mediasite is still processing your upload.

• You can only find a 'module' if you search for it by name.




More information & support


More information

A lot of practical tips can be found online. 

Here some UM resources:

VideUM, UM portal on video

Online education

Options for lectures


If you cannot find the answer yourself, or if you want to discuss (technical) options for your course, please contact video-fpn.

Include how and when we can contact you.


For special events, Studio MBB can be used. Contact video-fpn@ for more information.


See also

Lecture recordings: info for staff and students
Canvas: info for teachers and tutors
Canvas: attendance registration for teachers and tutors

Last modified: Thu, 04/07/2024 - 14:59

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