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Documents and forms

First and Final version of the thesis

For a submission to be accepted by the Education Office:

● The supervisor’s name should be deleted from the first page of the thesis (Not For MaRBLe).
● Be on time as specified by the deadline. Better be early as one minute too late will result in a fail.
● The first and the final version or possible resit needs to be submitted via collent-fpn.maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Under "Bachelor Thesis", select "My Bachelor These".
Make sure the current academic year is selected.
Upload via the upload icon in the "Attached File(s)" column.
Select the correct document-type.
A confirmation message will be visible after successful submission.
Make sure you upload the correct version only once.

● The maximum size of  the documents is 5 MB.   
● The document names of both the first version (in MS-Word format) and the final version or possible resit (in PDF format) must have the format as specified below.
● When uploading the final version or possible resit, you copy the exact title of your thesis in the indicated field. The title provided in Collent will be transferred to your transcript. Do not write your title in capitals only. For example -->  Allowed: The effects of X on Y. Not allowed: THE EFFECTS OF X ON Y. 

File naming

Any version of your thesis should follow  the following naming convention:

Example 1: Koning_611283_BT_Anxiety_NPPP
Example 2: Vries_602199_BT_WorkStress_WSP   
File naming: LastName_Idnumber_BT_TopicKeyword_DepartmentOfSupervisor
LastnameYour last name without extras such as van, der, de.
Student numberStudent number without an i
  • Use a clear but short topic keyword

Of Supervisor

  • Abbreviation of the department. Use 'ext' when the supervisor does not work at FPN.



Last modified: Mon, 22/07/2024 - 13:22

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