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Supervision and Assessment

Finding a supervisor

  • Always use the bachelor thesis matching system of "Collent".  The information of possible supervisors in the bachelor thesis matching system is based on information provided by staff members in the planning system.  
  • Tip: astonish your potential supervisor by having ready a topic and motivate your choice with a fitting research question, and, if you apply by email, by being able to apply the hints given in the handbook writing skills.
  • Some staff members accept one or more students to write the bachelor thesis about an empirical research, and even if it does not pertain to a Marble project.
  • If you cannot find a supervisor for your topic, you may want to opt for another topic.  Or use the matching system to find  a staff member who is open to topic suggestions by students. You can submit one thesis request at the same time via the matching system.  
  • You can submit a new request for finding a supervisor after your request is expired or declined.  
  • After a request submission a supervisor receives reminders on day 2 and day 4. Without a response from the supervisor, the submitted request will be cancelled automatically on day 6.
  • For students who failed the bachelor thesis in a previour year, please first read the FAQ  > "I am a second year student and want to start planning or writing my thesis early...."

Writing your  thesis at another faculty, in the Netherlands or abroad

Students who write the thesis at another faculty either have a FPN supervisor or an external supervisor. First note that the second assessor is always from FPN. Students with an FPN supervision can scroll up in this document as the procedure for finding a supervisor remain the same. A student who plans to write the thesis under external supervision As an external supervisor is not mentioned in the matching system, the student must make contact. When supervision is a sure thing, please contact fpn-bachelorthesis@maastrichtuniversity.nl, for registration. The second assessor is an FPN staff member.

Note that the same schedule and deadlines still apply for both student and external supervisor. The student is responsible for informing the external supervisor on the time schedule and the strict deadlines. Therefore, provide an external supervisor with the information on Thesis information for supervisors

For supervisors abroad it is also essential that they understand our grading metrics (a grade from 1 to 10).


The bachelor’s thesis is graded by averaging the grades given by the supervisor and the second anonymous assessor. Both grades, based on all aspects, must be at least 6.0 and the difference between the grades of the supervisor and the second assessor may not be more than 2.0 points.

The supervisor’s grade is based on the quality of both versions of your thesis. Supervisor and student have no role in selecting this anonymous second assessor, nor are they to correspond with this person. Both assessors fill in an electronic assessment form with concise feedback on your final version. The average grade is final.

No later than 3 June 2024 the final grade is published and concise feedback from both assessors is available for students. 
Note: this date also applies to theses that were submitted before the official the submission deadline. 

Assessment criteria

See: Thesis (BA) > Supervision and Assessment > Assessment Thesis
Last modified: Thu, 28/03/2024 - 10:21

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