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Changes in the bachelor Psychology programme

Educational curricula can change from year to year. Below you will find an overview of both curriculum related and general changes.

Changes in 2024-2025

Changes bachelor Psychology in 2024-2025

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to students from all cohorts
Info not yet available

Rules and Regulations - Applies to students from all cohorts
Info not yet available

Curriculum Year 1  - Cohort 2023-2024 (and earlier)


Consequences for cohort 2023-2024 and earlier

The curriculum as offered in 2023-2024 and earlier, will be phased out over the next three years, one year at a time.  In 2024-2025, year 1 courses will be offered as repeat education, one last time; year 2 & 3 of the bachelor programme will be offered as regular education. In 2025-2026, year 2 courses will be offered as repeat education next to the regular education of year 3 and in 2026-2027 year 3 will be offered as repeat education.

Curriculum Year 2 - Cohort 2023-2024 (and earlier)


Consequences for cohort 2022-2023 (and earlier)

No changes. -

Curriculum Year 3 - Cohort 2022-2023 (and earlier)


Consequences for cohort 2021-2022 (and earlier)

PSY3357 "Politics of Decision Making" (elective) 
name changed to "Political Psychology".
 No consequences.
PSY3373 “Cognitive Neuroscience of Language”
PSY3387 “Programs & Algorithms in Python”
(both electives) are not offered in 2024-2025.
PSY3393 "Clinical Psychology Package Internship" (elective) name changed to "Clinical Psychology Package Internship B".

PSY3395 "The Professional in Psychology: an internship" (elective) name changed to "Clinical Psychology Package Internship A".

New elective

PSY3396 "Student well-being practitioner training", offered in period 2.  
 Elective offerings can change from year to year. Choose another elective instead.

No consequences.

No consequences.

Not applicable. Elective offerings can change from year to year.

Changes in 2023-2024

Changes bachelor in 2023-2024

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to all Bachelor students
Info not yet available

Rules and Regulations - Applies to all Bachelor students

Art. 8 (GPA and electives):  final grades for electives followed at an other UM faculty might be included in the GPA calculation. Contact the faculty directly if you want to know if this is the case. Electives at FPN are never included in the GPA calculation.

Art 13 (Third exam): moved to the EER.

Art. 16 (Fraud): Now includes the use of AI. Not allowed by default, reference if used. Also now considered fraud: if you breach or attempt to breach the security measures around exams.

Curriculum changes

Curriculum Year 1  - Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences for cohort 2022-2023 and earlier

PSY1123 / IPN1123 'Introduction Library' and PSY1138 / IPN1138 'FPN Onboarding': no longer linked to PSY1131 / IPN1131 'Skills I: learning in groups'.

PSY1131 / IPN1131 'Skills I: learning in groups' is the only introduction week course with ECTS.

Not following PSY1123 / IPN1123 'Introduction Library' or PSY1138 / IPN1138 'FPN Onboarding'  will show up as 'not graded' or 'fail'.

PSY1022 / IPN1022 Methods and Techniques of Research: change in grading, from temporary pass/fail back to  numerical grade (0-10).
 Course will be graded on a ten point scale. 
PSY9501 Facultaire introductie and PSY9502 Facultary Introduction: two new administrative codes, only used to provide the schedule via the timetable.

 Not applicable.

Curriculum Year 2 - Cohort 2022-2023


Consequences for cohort 2021-2022 and earlier

No changes. Not applicable.

Curriculum Year 3 - Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences for cohort 2019-2020 and earlier

PSY3395 Elective "Professional in Psychology: An Internship for Clin. Psy Package": newly created course as part of the Elective "Clinical Psychology Package".  The Education Office books elective courses.
 Not applicable. The Elective "Clinical Psychology Package" is new in 2023-2024.
PSY3393 Elective "Clinical Psychology Package":
now has its own course code.  The Education Office books elective courses.
 Not applicable. The Elective "Clinical Psychology Package" is new in 2023-2024.

Changes in 2022-2023

Changes bachelor

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to all Bachelor students

- Article 4.2 (entrance requirements):  added a requirement to start with the bachelor thesis (IPN3014 / PSY3014) . At least 90 ECTS have to be obtained on 1 September, to be admitted to (booked for) the bachelor thesis.

Rules and Regulations - Applies to all Bachelor students

- Art. 6 (compensation):  IPN3109 / PSY3109 Psychodiagnostics can now be compensated. This was already temporary the case in 2020-2021 and 2021-2021, and now a permanent change. [this line was added on 27-07-2023]

- Art. 7 (Attendance obligation): Added that an individual attendance arrangement based on personal circumstances is only valid once the exam is passed during the relevant academic year.

- Art 13 (extra exam): The reasons for  requesting an extra or alternative exam are now modeled after the list the “Profileringsfonds” uses.

Curriculum changes

Curriculum Year 1  - Cohort 2022-2023


Consequences for cohort 2021-2022 and earlier

PSY1021 / IPN1021 Social Behaviour  and PSY1021 / IPN1026 Perception: back to numeric grading [1-10], was 'pass/fail'

Curriculum Year 2 - Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences for cohort 2020-2021 and earlier

No curriculum changes
 Not applicable.

Curriculum Year 3 - Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences for cohort 2018-2019 and earlier

Electives PSY3355 "International Psychology", PSY3387 "Creating Apps" PSY3377 "Legal Psychology in a Nutshell": not offered in 2022-2023.
  For students who did not pass one of these electives have to choose another elective.
New elective: PSY3391 "International Psychology and Climate Change"
 Not applicable.
Electives PSY3372  "Manipulating Memories" and PSY3343 "Forensic & Legal Psychology in a Nutshell": offered again in 2022-20223
 Not applicable.

Elective PSY3362 "Cognitive Enhancement": now in period 2, was period 1.
 Not applicable.

Changes in 2021-2022

Changes bachelor

Education and Exam Regulation - Only applies to Cohort 2021-2022

- Switching between the Dutch and English programme is only possible during the first year.
- A maximum of 60 ECTS can be exempted.
- The thesis can not be exempted.

Rules and Regulations - Applies to all Bachelor students

- For (summa) cum laude, the programme has to be passed within three years.
- 'Papers' now renamed to 'written assignments". This is a broader definition.
- Re-doing a written assignment is possible "when it has been turned in before the deadline and the student adhered to the guidelines, but has failed."
- To take an extra exam or other format of exam: a previous grade of 4,5 is no longer a requirement.
- New rules apply if you missed the exam inspection, but still would like to have an exam inspection.
- Re-written article about plagiarism. Not being allowed to take the resit later in the year added as disciplinary measure.
- Thesis: if the thesis assessors differ more than 2 points (and both graded at least a 6,0), the outcome is no longer automatically a resit.


Curriculum Year 1  - Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences for cohort 2020-2021 and earlier

No changes
 No changes

Curriculum Year 2 - Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences for cohort 2019-2020 and earlier

No changes
 No changes

Curriculum Year 3 - Cohort 2019-2020


Consequences for cohort 2018-2019 and earlier

New Elective PSY3390 "Psychological Citizenship Project: From Problem to Solution"

New Elective PSY3365 "Introduction to Computational Neuroscience"

New Elective PSY3387 "Creating Apps: Programs & Algorithms in Python"

 No changes

Electives not offered anymore: 
PSY3372 "Manipulation Memories"
PSY3381 "Connecting Brains and Computers: Theory, Practice and Applications"
 For students who did not pass one of these electives have to choose another elective. See Elective Guide 2021-2022 for a complete overview. 

Changes in 2020-2021

Changes bachelor

Year 1  - Cohort 2020-2021


Cohort 2019-2020 and earlier

No changes
 No changes

Year 2 - Cohort 2019-2020


Cohort 2018-2019 and earlier

No changes
 No changes

Year 3 - Cohort 2018-2019


Cohort 2017-2018 and earlier

New Elective PSY3389 "Introduction to Applied Social Psychology" 

PSY3357 "Political Psychology" now named "Politics of Decision Making"
Electives not offered anymore: 
PSY3308 "Evolutionary Social Psychology"
PSY3365 "Introduction to Computational Neuroscience"
PSY3366 "Neuroscience of Consciousness"
PSY3368 "Sports and Exercise Psychology"
PSY3383 "Improve Yourself Using improvisational Theatre to enhance your Soft-Skills"
PSY3345 "The Learning Brain: From Perception to Memory Formation"
PSY3346 "Health Psychology"
PSY3387 "Creating Apps: Programs & Algoritms in Pyton
PSY3388 "Mental Preneurship"
 For students who did not pass one of these electives have to choose another elective. See Elective Guide 2020-2021 for a complete overview. 

Changes in 2019-2020

Changes bachelor



Year 1  - Cohort 2019-2020


Cohort 2018-2019 and earlier

Revised content for IPN1134 / PSY1134 "Writing Assignment 1" and IPN1136 / PSY1136 "Writing Assignment 3"
 N/A, no resit candidates

Year 2 - Cohort 2018-2019


Cohort 2017-2018 and earlier

PSY2136 / IPN2136 "Endnote Introduction" now named "Information Literacy: Literature Search and Endnote." Now in period 1-2, was period 6.
 Resit candidates will be booked by the Education Office.
See e-mail for details.

IPN2022 / PSY2022 "Personality and Individual Differences" and PN2024 / PSY2024 "Psychopathology":

Final grade now based on exam result (70%) and
accompanying practical (30%).

 The old grading method still applies to you if you obtained a pass for the attendance OR at least a 6 for the exam OR a pass for the accompanying practical. 

Book the  course or resit as usual. For the resit of the practical: contact the practical coordinator.

Year 3 - Cohort 2017-2018


Cohort 2016-2017 and earlier

Cohort 2016-2017 and earlier
IPN3109 /PSY3109 "Psychodiagnostics":
Final grade now based on exam result (70%) and
accompanying practical (30%).
 The old grading method still applies to you if you obtained a pass for the attendance OR at least a 6 for the exam OR a pass for the accompying practical. 

Book the course, resit or practical as usual. 

Extra exam option for last outstanding course
Extra thesis submission option

Changes starting 2018-2019

Changes bachelor

For all students, for all cohorts


No catch-up assignment option

 It is no longer possible to do a catch-up assignment to make up for missed tutorial group meetings! (This does not apply to skills meetings.)
Changed attendance  for tutorial group
 The minimal required attendance has changed.
See Attendance Obligation >>
Follow a missed session in another tutorial group.
 If you missed a tutorial group meeting, it might be possible to attend the same session in another tutorial group.
Read the details>>

Note that this will not change your attendance count.
Exam inspection more streamlined.

You have the right to review your written exams. You can find more about the aim of this inspection and how we organise it, on the page about exam inspection >>
Repeat Education :  no special groups
 Students for repeat education are now attend regular tutorial groups.
Extra exam option for last outstanding course.

 Bachelor’s students whose graduation would be delayed by more than 6 months because of failing one compulsory core course, can request to participate in an extra exam for that course if they meet the requirements >>

Year 2   

Cohort 2017-2018


Cohort 2016-2017 and earlier

PSY2131 / IPN2131 "Skills lV" has a new code: PSY2144 /IPN2144.

PSY2144 / IPN2144 now includes two practicals :
- PSY2142 / IPN2142 "Portfolio year 2 part 1" 
- PSY2143 / IPN2143 "Portfolio year 2 part 2".

From now on the students will have two Portfolio practicals in year 2 instead of one (formerly PSY2138 / IPN2138). 

 - Students who started in 2016-2017 or earlier and still have to do the whole course:

You should book the new modules
- PSY2144 / IPN2144 "Skills lV"
- PSY2142 / IPN 2142 "Portfolio year 2 part 1"  and
- PSY2143 / IPN 2143 "Portfolio year 2 part 2".

- Students who already passed  either PSY2131/IPN2131 or PSY2138 / IPN2138:

You will be booked by the Education Office for the new module(s) they still need to pass: PSY2144 / IPN2144 or PSY2142 / IPN2142 and PSY2143 / IPN2143. 

Changes starting 2017-2018

Curriculum changes bachelor

Year 2   

Cohort 2016-2017


Cohort 2015-2016 and earlier

PSY2139/IPN2139 Cognition and Culture is a new practicum for PSY2021/IPN2021 Complex Cognition

 Students who started in 2015-2016 or before do not have to follow this practical.

Changes starting 2016-2017

Important: changes for cohort 2013-2014 and earlier:

  • Please note the ultimate date of 11 July 2017 for the progress test (VGT) compensation assignment.  More information >>
  • Please see below for the changes in PSY3012 and PSY3013. Additional assignments compensate for the change in ECTS.
Curriculum changes bachelor

Year 1    

Cohort 2016-2017


Cohort 2015-2016 or before

PSY/IPN1122 Introductiecursus computergebruik en EleUM/Computer and EleUM introduction is not offered anymore.

Instead PSY/IPN 1138 Introductie UM systemen/Introduction UM systems is offered.

 Students who started in 2015-2016 and have not yet passed PSY/IPN1122 will be booked for PSY/IPN1138.
PSY/IPN1029 Ontdek de Psychologie / Discover Psychology will not be offered anymore as such.
Instead the following modules are offered:
PSY/IPN1029A Psychologie in de maatschappij / Psychology in Society
PSY/IPN1029B Ontmoet je brein/Meet your brain
PSY/IPB1029C Drugs en het brein/Drugs and the Brain
PSY/IPN1029D Lichaam in beeld/Mind your Body​
The content of the modules is identical to the subcourses of the initial PSY/IPN1029 course.
 Students who were enrolled (or could have been enrolled since they were registered as a student in the bachelor’s studies in psychology at Maastricht University) in PSY/IPN1029 before 2016-2017 and:

- have not obtained the attendance: should book PSY/IPN1029A or PSY/IPN1029B or PSY/IPB1029C or PSY/IPN1029D via Qualtrics in line with the guidelines given to the students who will start their bachelor’s studies in 2016-2017.

- have obtained the attendance for this course before 2016-2017:​​ students will be booked for Take Exam Only by the Education Office.

Year 3

Cohort 2014-2015

Note: 1 this rule also applies to students of the cohort 2013-2014, who terminated in the first year of enrolment in the bachelor’s programme their enrolment before 1 February 2014 and who started over in September 2014 as a student of the cohort 2014-2015.

Cohort 2012-2013 and before;
Cohort 2013-2014

Note: 2) this rule does not apply to students of the cohort 2013-2014, who terminated in the first year of enrolment in the bachelor’s programme their enrolment before 1 February 2014 and started over in September 2014 as a student of the cohort 2014-2015.

The study load in terms of ECTS for electives is set at 24 ECTS
 The study load in terms of ECTS for electives is set at 18 ECTS
The study load in terms of ECTS for the Bachelor thesis is set at 6 ECTS
 Students who started in 2013-20142 or before are required to write a bachelorthesis of 8 ECTS (PSY3010), i.e., including the PSY3204 Weblog
The study load in terms of ​ECTS for the module PSY3012 Action is set at 5 ECTS
 Students who started in 2013-20142 or before - and still have to do the whole course - will make the same exam of the module PSY3012 Action as the cohort 2014-2015, but to justify the extra 1 ECTS, they should submit an additional assignment.

If this applies to you, you should have received an email with the assignment(s). Contact the Education Office if you need to receive the assignments (again).

Deadline assignments:
- For PSY3012: Wed. 7 June 2017 23:59h
- For PSY3013: Fr. 9 June 2017 23:59h

If you made arrangements about your academic progress with an academic adviser, please check these arrangements with regards to these two courses.
The study load in terms of ECTS for the module PSY3013 Motivation and Emotion is set at 5 ECTS
 Students who started in 2013-20142 or before - and still have to do the whole course - will make the same exam of the module PSY3013 Action as the cohort 2014-2015, but to justify the extra 1 ECTS, they should submit an additional assignment.

If this applies to you, you should have received an email with the assignment(s). Contact the Education Office if you need to receive the assignments (again).

Deadline assignments:
- For PSY3012: Wed. 7 June 2017 23:59h
- For PSY3013: Fr. 9 June 2017 23:59h

If you made arrangements about your academic progress with an academic adviser, please check these arrangements with regards to these two courses.
PSY3451 VGT (2 ECTS) has disappeared
 Students who started in 2013-20142 or before are still required to obtain their VGT-credits by making a VGT compensation assignment. 

Ultimate date: 11 July 2017  More information >>
PSY3109 Psychodiagnostiek will not be offered anymore as such. Instead PSY3109A Psychodiagnostiek including the practical PSY3157 Constructie van psychologische tests and PSY3109B Psychodiagnostiek including PSY3158 De diagnostische cyclus are offered. Students have to choose one of these combinations (i.e., PSY3109A + PSY3157 or PSY3109B + PSY3158).
 Students who started in 2013-20142 or before and:

- have not obtained the attendance: should book PSY3109A + PSY3157 or PSY3109B + PSY3158 via Qualtrics.

- have obtained the attendance:​​ will be booked for take exam only by the Education Office


Last modified: Thu, 20/06/2024 - 15:44

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