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Changes in the pre-master Psychology

Educational curricula or Rules can change from year to year. Below you will find both curriculum and general changes.

Changes in 2024-2025

Changes premaster Psychology in 2024-2025

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to all students
Art. 8.2 and 8.7 (admission requirements and curriculum pre-master Psychology): further clarification of the (im)possibility to change the set of courses as they were originally determined and communicated by the Board of Admissions - once the pre-master student has started the programme.

Rules and Regulations - Aplies to all students
1.    Compensation (Article 7): the Board specified that compensation based on a reduced attendance requirement is only possible within the same academic year in which the attendance requirement applies. That is to say, any reduced attendance arrangement granted in a given year will be no longer valid in the subsequent academic year.
2.    GPA (Article 9): the Board specified that graded electives from other UM faculties will be included in the GPA, contrary to other types of electives.
3.    Extra electives (Article 11): Please note that most rules concerning extra electives are now incorporated the Article 3.7 of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER). Some of the previous requirements are now stipulated in Article 11. 
4.    Resits (Article 13): the resit article has been adapted to the common practice that students can also take a resit when they obtained a No Grade (NG) and that the resits results will be declared invalid if a student did not comply with the attendance obligation. Finally, the article includes the option already offered to submit a bachelor’s thesis resit in December of the same calendar year.
5.    Extra exam or other exam formats (Article 14): This article has been tightened, in the sense that a student can only be granted an extra exam opportunity or another exam format once in case of one (i.e. final) outstanding exam.

Period 1

IPN1022X Methods and Techniques of Research
IPN2022X Personality and Individual Differences
IPN2137X Practical: Personality Diagnostics for pre-master

  Period 2  

IPN1023X Body and Behaviour
IPN1024 Statistics for Psychologists I
IPN1121X Practical: SPSS I
IPN1129X Practical: Anatomy

             Period 3             

IPN2023X Critical Thinking

Period 4

IPN2025X Consciousness
IPN4191 Academic writing for pre-master

Period 5

IPN2028X Statistics II
IPN4192 Research Practical for pre-master
IPN2135X Practical: SPSS II

Period 6

IPN3109X Psychodiagnostics
IPN3157X Practical: Constructing a Psychological Test for pre-master

Introduced in 2023-2024

Pre-master Psychology

This programme is being offered for the first time in 2023-2024,  and consists of
an individual selection of the following courses:

• IPN2023 'Critical Thinking '
• IPN4144 'Academic writing for pre-master '
• IPN1026 'Perception '
• IPN2026 'Man and Machine '
• IPN3011 'Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience '
• IPN3153 'Excel for Scientists '
• IPN2028 'Statistics II '
• IPN2135 'SPSS II '
• IPN4027 'Research practical for pre-master '
• IPN3109A 'Psychodiagnostics '
• IPN3157 'Constructing a Psychological Test '
• IPN9518 'Facultary Introduction Pre-master PSY '


Last modified: Mon, 09/09/2024 - 11:43

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