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Changes in the Research Master programme

Educational curricula can change from year to year. Below you will find an overview of both curriculum related and general changes.

Changes starting 2024-2025 

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to all students 
Art. 3.7 (examination): the term ‘M&T’ has been deleted, as M&T is not part of the curriculum and therefore not part of the final examination. The term ‘where applicable’ has been deleted, as the elective courses are part of each specialisation.

Rules and Regulations - Applies to students from all cohorts
1.    Resits (Article 11): the resit article has been adapted to the common practice that students can also take a resit when they obtained a No Grade (NG) and that resits results will be declared invalid if a student did not comply with the attendance obligation. Finally, the Board of Examiners added a new clause to Article 11 about the resit opportunity for research and clinical internships.
2.    Extra exam or other exam formats (Article 12): This article has been tightened, in the sense that a student can only be granted an extra exam opportunity or another exam format once in case of one (i.e. the final) outstanding exam.
3.    Fraud and plagiarism (Articles 15 to 17): the old fraud article has been overhauled and reorganised in three separate articles for readability – one article on fraud, one article on plagiarism and one article on the sanctions in case of fraud and/or plagiarism. Please note that the examples of fraud and plagiarism mentioned in these articles are not meant to be exhaustive.

All specialisations
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4114 “Research Grant Writing Workshop” has changed from a course that runs throughout Year 1, to a period 6 (year 1) course.

PSY4162 "Applied Statistics": the tutor-less education group meetings will be replaced by interactive plenary discussions. 

PSY4163 “Applied Statistics” (theme 1 + 2), PSY4164 “Applied Statistics” (theme 1 + 3) and PSY4164 “Applied Statistics” (theme 2 + 3) will be offered in periods 4 and 5 (instead of periods 5 and 6).

Changed elective names:
PSY4163, PSY4164 and PSY4165 (Applied Statistics combinations): "Capita Selecta” removed from names.
 No consequences as the modules were planned in period 6 already.

No consequences.

Students need to register for this course earlier (deadline December 1) and take the course earlier (period 4 and period 5). For the schedule of students, there should be no consequences as there are no courses in these periods in year 2.

No consequences.

Specialisation Fundamental Neuroscience
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4322 “Electrophysiology: From Single Cell Activity to ‘Cognitive’ Markers” will be assessed via an exam (in MECC) instead of via an individual assignment.

PSY4373 "Introduction to R" will be offered in period P3 and P4 (was period 5).
 Students have tot take an exam instead of writing an assignment.

Not applicable.


Specialisation Neuropsychology
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4418 "Biopsychology" (3 credits) replaces PSY4411 "Biopsychology" (4 credits).

PSY4435 "Human Neuroimaging" will be offered in period 5 (was period 4).
 No consequences. Successful completion results in the original credits. The Education Office books this course for you.

No consequences, as there are no courses in this period in year 2.

Specialisation Clinical Psychology 
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4373 "Introduction to R" will be offered in period                      Not applicable.
P3 and P4 (was period 5).

PSY4435 "Human Neuroimaging will be offered in                          Not applicable.
period 5 (was period 4).

PSY4531 “Research Practical Psychometrics” will be                       Not applicable.
offered in period 5 (was periods 1 and 2).

Specialisation Corgnitive Neuroscience
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4224 "Programming in Matlab Basic Course" will be offered in period 3, 4 and 5 (was period 5). No consequences, as there are no courses in these periods in year 2.

Specialisation Drug Development and Neurohealth
Cohort 2024-2025


Consequences cohort 2023-2024 or before

PSY4373 "Introduction to R" will be offered in period P3 and P4 (was period 5). No consequences, as there are no courses in these periods in year 2.

Changes starting 2023-2024

Exam and Examination Regulation - Applies to all  students

Art. 2.2 (admission requirements): Text is adjusted to reflect the current admission requirements, as communicated on maastrichtuniversity.nl since 01-10-2023.

Art. 3.1 (programme content): "Clinical Psychology" is the new name for the specialisation "Clinical Psychology ".

Art. 3.6 (curriculum): The curriculum of the master’s programme will change in 2023-2024 and the years thereafter. We added that students who might be affected by the curriculum changes due to study-delay, the educational management in consultation with the board of examiners will seek a fitting solution per student.

Art. 4.4 (electives): new article.

Art 5.2 (grades): added option to evaluate course as pass/fail.

Art 5.14 (exemptions): no exemptions possible for the elective courses.

Rules and Regulations - Applies to all  students
Info not yet available

All Specialisations:



The content of the statistic courses has been restructured.

Everyone follows:
• PSY4162 'Applied Statistics I: Capita Selecta'  (4 ECTS)

After the information session (13-11-2023), you will be able to book one of the following electives via the student portal:

• PSY4163 'Applied Statistics II: Capita Selecta A'  (2 ECTS)

Theme 1: Sample size calculation and nested designs (1.0 ects)
Theme 2: Structural equation modeling (1.0 ects)

• PSY4164 'Applied Statistics II: Capita Selecta B'  (2 ECTS)

Theme 1: Sample size calculation and nested designs (1.0 ects)
Theme 3: Resampling methods in statistics (1.0 ects)

• PSY4165 'Applied Statistics II: Capita Selecta C'  (2 ECTS)

Theme 2: Structural equation modeling (1.0 ects)
Theme 3: Resampling methods in statistics (1.0 ects)

The transition path for students who started in 2022-2023 or earlier will be communicated on a later date.  In 2022-2023, additional exams were offered for PSY4106  'Advanced Statistics I' and  PSY4107 'Advanced Statistics II'  (7 August 2023) for these students.

The old statistics courses are no longer offered :
- PSY4106 'Advanced Statistics I' (3 ECTS)
- PSY4107 'Applied Statistics II' (3 ECTS)
- PSY4117 'Practical Training: SPSS II' (0 ECTS)
- PSY4119 'Practical Training: SPSS I and Lisrel' (0 ECTS)

Questions about this change? Call, email or visit the FPN Servicedesk.

Cognitive Neuroscience

Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2021-2022 or before

PSY9509 'Facultary Introduction RM CN':
new administrative code, used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.

Fundamental Neuroscience

Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2021-2022 or before

PSY9511 'Facultary Introduction RM FN':
new administrative code, used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.


Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2021-2022 or before

PSY9512 'Facultary Introduction RM NP':
new administrative code, used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.

Clinical Psychology

Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2021-2022 or before

The Research Master specialisation Clinical Psychology has been renamed to Clinical Psychology. The new name better reflects the content and focus of this specialisation.

As from July 2023 , the diploma supplement (a standardised European format to describe the programme) and the transcript ( the grade list) will show the new name and the text "formerly known as Clinical Psychology ". The diploma itself only mentions the programme name, not the name of the chosen specialisation.

PSY9513 'Facultary Introduction RM CP':
new administrative code, used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.

Drug Development and Neurohealth

Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2021-2022 or before

PSY9510 'Facultary Introduction RM DDN':
new administrative code, used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.

Changes starting 2022-2023

Exam and Examination Regulation - Applies to all  students

- Article 4.2 (entrance requirements): lowered the number of ECTS required to start an internship to 54 ECTS (was 60 ECTS).
- Article 4.2 (entrance requirements): clearified that the ECTS requirements pertain to courses of the first year.

- Article 5.5 (format of exams): updated the various options for a written exam, such as a presentation or report.
Rules and Regulations - Applies to all  students

No changes.

All Specialisations:



PSY4114 "Research Grant Writing Workshop": now starts in period 2 with lectures.




PSY4373 "Introduction to R (= software)": now available as elective.


Drug Development and Neurohealth

Cohort 2022-2023


Consequences cohort 2020-2021 or before

PSY4821 "Robot-based High-Throughput Screening": no longer offered
 Not relevant, was 0 ECTS.

Changes starting 2021-2022

Exam and Examination Regulation - Only applies to 2021-2022
Rules and Regulations - Applies to all  students

nagevraagd amendement 3: The research proposal will be assessed as pass/fail and can be re-sit once.

Fundamental Neuroscience

Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences cohort 2020-2021 or before

PSY4373 "R for Pathway Enrichment or Drug Repositioning Analysis" has a new name: "Introduction to R" N/A


Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences cohort 2020-2021 or before

New Module: PSY4373 "Introduction to R" 

PSY4542 "The Application of Cognitive Methods in Psychopathology Research" is no longer offered N/A

Drug Development and Neurohealth

Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences cohort 2020-2021 or before

PSY4373 "R for Pathway Enrichment or Drug Repositioning Analysis" has a new name: "Introduction to R"


Changes starting 2020-2021

!Inplemented COVID-19 changes in academic year 2019-2020 will not apply in academic year 2020-2021!

All Specialisations Year 1-2

Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

PSY4110/PSY4113 "Scientific Writing" not offered anymore

 Students who have not passed this modules will be contacted via e-mail. 
PSY4112 "Research Grant Writing Workshop"  changes from 1 ECTS to 2 ECTS. PSY 4112 has a new code: PSY4114 Students who have not passed this module will be contacted via e-mail. 


Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

NeuroEconomics will not start a new cohort in 2020-2021

 Students who have not passed all modules in  year 1 will be contacted via e-mail. 
No changes in Year 2 N/A


Fundamental Neuroscience

Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

PSY 4317 "Neuroimmunology and Inflammation" changes from 5 to 4 ECTS and has a new code: PSY 4360 

 Students who have not yet passed PSY 4317 will be contacted via e-mail.  
PSY 4321 "Psychiatric Neuroscience" changes from 5 to 4 ECTS and has a new code: PSY 4323 Students who have not yet passes PSY 4321 will be contacted via e-mail.
New Module: PSY4373 "R for Pathway Enrichment or Drug Repositioning Analysis N/A


Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

PSY 4434 "Basic Cognitive Psychological Skills" offered in period 1 instead of period 2.  

 Students who have not yet passed PSY 4434 have to check their timetable.  
PSY 4433 "Neuropsychological Assessment" offered in period 2 instead of period 1.  Students who have not yet passes PSY 4433 have to check their timetable.


Drug Development and Neurohealth

Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

PSY 4812 "Drug Discovery" changes from 5 to 4 ECTS and has a new code: PSY 4842.  

 Students who have not yet passed PSY 4812 will be booked. 
PSY 4840 "Psychiatric Neuroscience: Psychopharmacology" changes from 5 to 4 ECTS and has a new code: PSY4841.  Students who have not yet passed PSY 4840 will be booked. 
PSY 4831 "Valorisation" changes from 1 to 2 ECTS and has a new code: PSY4834 Students who have not yet passed PSY 4831 will be booked. 


Changes starting 2019-2020


Cohort 2019-2020


Consequences cohort 2018-2019 or before

Name change:
PSY4713 "Functional Brain Imaging in Neuroeconomics" has a new name: "Function Brain Imaging in Neuroeconomics (I and II)"



Fundamental Neuroscience 

Cohort 2019-2020


Consequences cohort 2018-2019 or before

New electives:
PSY4159 "Double Elective: Research"
PSY4160 "Double Elective: Review "

PSY5314 "Workshop: Laboratory Animal Sciences" changed to elective PSY4161 "Elective: Laboratory Animal Sciences". Choose PSY4161 or one of the other FN electives.


Drug Development and Neurohealth (DN)

Cohort 2019-2020


Consequences cohort 2018-2019 or before

PSY4352 "Practical training: Western Blotting" changed to PSY4823 "Practical Training: Western Blotting: A Pharmacological Perspective"
 Use course PSY4823.
PSY4321 "Psychiatric Neuroscience" changed to PSY4840 "Psychiatric Neuroscience: Psychopharmacology"
 Use course PSY4840.
Name changes:
PSY4159 "Elective: Research DN" has a new name: PSY4159 "Double Elective: Research"
PSY4160 "Elective: Review DN" has a new name: PSY4160 "Double Elective: Review"

Changes starting 2018-2019

Fundamental Neuroscience 

Cohort 2018-2019


Consequences cohort 2017-2018 or before

PSY4337 Commercialising Science and Technology, year 1 period 4, will be replaced by the module PSY4831 Valorisation, year 1 period 2.

 Students who started in 2017-2018 or before and have not yet passed PSY4337 will be booked for PSY4831.
PSY5331 will be offered in year 2 in 2018-2019 for the last time and will be replaced by PSY4340 in period 1, year 1 as from 2018-2019 and PSY5333 Advanced Genetics  period 1, year 2 in 2019-2020.  Students who started in 2016-2017 and have not yet passed PSY5331 will be booked for PSY5331 in year 2 in 2018-2019.


Drug Development and Neurohealth (DN)

Cohort 2018-2019


Consequences cohort 2017-2018 or before

New Module: PSY 4340 Introduction to Genetics.
 Please contact the education office if you have any questions.

PSY 4811 Medical Needs & Failures, Target Discovery has a new code: PSY 4818. The study load in terms of ​ECTS for the module PSY4818 is set at 3 ECTS. The module PSY 4818 is offered in period 1 instead of period 3. 

 Please contact the education office if you have any questions.
PSY 4813 Big Data in Drug Discovery & Development has a new code: PSY 4819. The study load in terms of ​ECTS for the module PSY4813 is set at 3 ECTS. The module PSY 4813 is offered in period 3 instead of period 1.

 Please contact the education office if you have any questions.

PSY 4814 Drug Metabolism and Safety is offered in period 2 instead of period 1. 
 Please contact the education office if you have any questions.
PSY 4815 Clinical Development had a new code: 4820. The study load in terms of ​ECTS for the module PSY4815 is set at 4 ECTS. Please contact the education office if you have any questions.
PSY 4822 Practical Training: Conmputer Supported training in ... is offered in period 3 instead of period 2. 
 Please contact the education office if you have any questions.

Changes starting 2017-2018

Drug Development and Neurohealth

Cohort 2017-2018


Consequences cohort 2016-2017 or before

PSY4110 Scientific Writing . This module is not offered in period 5 anymore but in period 4. This module has a new code: PSY4113
 Please register for PSY4113 in registration period 4.

PSY4353 Measuring Cognitive Functions is a new practical with PSY4312 Introduction to Psychology.

 No consequences.


Fundamental Neuroscience

Cohort 2017-2018


Consequences cohort 2016-2017 or before

PSY5313 Animal Laboratory Science is not offered anymore.  PSY5314 Animal Laboratory Science replaces this course (changed content).

If you booked PSY5313,the Education Office will change this to PSY5314.

 No consequences.
PSY4353 Measuring Cognitive Functions is a new practical with PSY4312 Introduction to Psychology.
 No consequences.

Changes starting 2016-2017

Educational curricula can change from year to year. Below you will find the curriculum changes Research Master starting 2016-2017.
Curriculum changes Research Master, starting 2016-2017


Cohort 2016-2017


Consequences cohort 2015-2016 or before

PSY4372 Functional Brain Imaging (2 ECTS, P5) replaced with PSY4832 Biomedical Brain Imaging (3 ECTS, P4) (PSY4372 is not offered anymore.)
 Students who started in 2015-2016 or before should register for PSY4832 instead of PSY4372.
PSY4313 Neuroanatomy (P1) will change from 5 credits to 4 credits
 Students who started in 2015-2016 or before will still receive 5 credits but will need to make an extra assignment to justify the 1 extra ECTS. Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation.
PSY5332 Behavioural Tests and Models  (Period 1 Year 2) (In 2014-2015 PSY4339 was offered for the last time in Year 1 Period 2.)
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY5332.
PSY5313 Laboratory Animal Sciences + practicum PSY5350 periode 1 year 2.
(In 2014-2015 PSY4338 + practicum PSY4350 were offered for the last time in Period 5 Year 1)
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY5313+PSY5350.
PSY4322 Electrophysiology: From Single Cell...
(In 2015-2016 Period  1 year 2 PSY5311  Electrophysiology: From Single Cell Acti… was offered for the last time)
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY4322.


Cohort 2016-2017


Consequences cohort 2015-2016 or before

PSY4422 Psychophysiological Skills (P4) will not be offered as a regular skills training but only as an elective (P4 as well).
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY4422 as a regular skills training.
PSY4423 Neuropsychology in Practice: From Test … is offered only in P5 (not P4 and P5)
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY4423.
PSY4372 Functional Brain Imaging (2 ECTS, Period 5) Replaced with PSY4435 Human Neuroimaging,
(3 credits, P5) (PSY4435 is not offered anymore.)
 Students who started in 2015-2016 or before should register for PSY4435 instead of PSY4372.
PSY4110 Scientific Writing (P5). This module is not offered in P5 anymore but in P4.
 Please register for this course in registration P4.


Cohort 2016-2017


Consequences cohort 2015-2016 or before

PSY4422 Psychophysiological Skills (P4) will not be offered as a regular skills training but only as an elective (P4 as well).
 Please contact the coordinator of your specialisation if you have not yet passed PSY4422 as a regular skills training.
PSY4542 The Application of Cognitive Methods... Offered in P 4- year 1 (not P5-year 1)
 Please register for this course in registration P 4.
PSY4372 Functional Brain Imaging (2 ECTS, Period 5) Replaced with PSY4435 Human Neuroimaging, (3 credits, P5)
(PSY4435 is not offered anymore.)
 Students who started in 2015-2016 or before should register for PSY4435 instead of PSY4372.


Cohort 2016-2017


Consequences cohort 2015-2016 or before

PSY4110 Scientific Writing (P5). This module is not offered in P5 anymore but in P4.
 Please register for this course in registration P4.



Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020 or before

PSY 4434 "Basic Cognitive Psychological Skills" offered in period 1 instead of period 2.  

 Students who have not yet passed PSY 4434 have to check their timetable.  
PSY 4433 "Neuropsychological Assessment" offered in period 2 instead of period 1.  Students who have not yet passes PSY 4433 have to check their timetable.


Last modified: Thu, 29/08/2024 - 13:00

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