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Finding a clinical internship topic/place

On this page:
- Finding a topic
- Finding a clinical internship institution

Finding a topic

Given the limited time available, your clinical research project should be clearly formulated and limited in scope. Case-series designs are often feasible in this context, or analysis of test performance, questionnaire or interview data. Ideally, you should have collected at least some of these data yourself. In many clinical settings you may benefit from analysis of ‘historical’ data already obtained on patients. Discuss this possibility with both your institutional supervisor and your UM Minor’s thesis supervisor.
As this is a clinical research study, the research question should be relevant in the context of the institution where the research is performed, and the sample must include patients or clients with clinically significant behavioral, cognitive or emotional complaints.

Finding a clinical internship institution

Criteria for internship institutions
The internship must be conducted within an institution that deals with disorders or disabilities in which cognitive, emotional, and/or behavioural problems play an important role. Diagnostic procedures and interventions (e.g., psychological treatments, neuropsychological training or psychoeducation) offered must be focused to a large extent on these problems. Note that these criteria do not limit you to adult mental health outpatient clinics or hospitals.

Possibilities extend to health care settings for children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, and to institutions ranging from somatic medicine, rehabilitation, mental health, forensic institutions, institutions for the mentally disabled, nursing homes, and others.

Strategies for locating a suitable institution for the clinical internship
The main persons to turn to are the track internship coordinators. They can advise you where you can apply and can also direct you to FPN and FHML faculty members who can function as supervisors for your Minor’s thesis. The teaching staff of the research master has extensive networks in the Netherlands and other countries and is prepared to help you.

Institutions that have previously hosted an RM clinical internship are very likely to welcome new applicants from our programme. You can also search via internet to get an overview of mental health institutions in The Netherlands   (www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/ggz www.idee-pmc.nl/hulpverleners/instellingen.html ) or other countries, keeping in mind that institutions do not always offer internships for external students.

Tips to consider

  • First discuss with the general or track internship coordinator how to approach the institutions you are interested in. You will need to write an application letter, in which you also describe the requirements of the clinical internship and its role in the research master programme.
    Make sure that you contact your internship track coordinator before applying for a clinical internship. FPN has formal policies with certain institutions (e.g., Mondriaan) on selection of internship students. So, don’t try to arrange the clinical internship through friends/acquaintances you may have in clinical institutes, as formal procedures may apply.
  • Clinical internships are generally more difficult to arrange than research internships; combining the two internships is likely to create more options.
  • Working in a clinical setting requires proficiency in the local language. Successfully arranging a clinical internship will require that you can demonstrate excellent communication skills.
  • A clinical institution may require an interview with you before agreeing to accept you as an intern.
  • Note that the clinical internship for the research master requires you to do a small-scale research project! You will need to explain this requirement to the institution and discuss feasibility.
  • Before you contact an institution you should have decided whether you want to obtain the Dutch health care psychologist certificate (LOGO-verklaring) and BAPD/Testdiagnostiek (MMH) (see Section 8 in this manual) or not, because these certificates impose additional requirements upon the internship.

As soon as you have located an internship institution and a faculty supervisor for your Minor’s thesis, complete the application  for an internship. This should be done at least eight weeks before starting the internship.

Potential Supervisors RMCP (formerly RMPP)
RMCP students can approach RMCP staff with affinity for the topic of their minor’s thesis. 

Intervisor (MMH)
An intervisor will be assigned to you.

Potential Supervisors (1Y MA; RM NP; Non-degree seeking students)

Below you'll find a number of supervisors and their topics of interest.

Prof. dr. Caroline van Heugten
Division: Neuropsychology
Room: 2.736
E-mail: caroline.vanheugten

Acquired brain damage, coping, quality of life, neuropsychological rehabilitation and treatment, stroke


Dr. Esther Keulers
Division: Neuropsychology
Room: 2.755
E-mail: esther.keulers

Neuropsychological and academic development, executive function interventions, adolescence, brain development, ADHD and other developmental disorders, brain plasticity

Prof. Dr. Sonja Kotz
Division: Head of Section Neuropsychology
E-mail: sonja.kotz

Cognitive, affective &
clinical neuroscience (stroke, neurodegeneration); specific foci
across the lifespan: Social communication (integration verbal and non-verbal information); time perception; learning and neuroplasticity; motor, cognitive, affective control.
 Dr. Christine Resch
Division: Neuropsychology
Room: 2.753
E-mail: christine.resch

Child neuropsychology, brain injury,
cognitive development / cognitive functioning in childhood and adolescence
Dr. Ieke Winkens
Division: Neuropsychology
Room: 2.761

Neuropsychological rehabilitation and treatment, stroke, acquired brain damage, mental slowness, time pressure management training, adults.

Nadine Gijzen, MSc
Division: STIL
Room: 5.761
E-mail: nadine.gijzen@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Psychopathology (e.g., anxiety disorders, mood disorders, PTSD, developmental disorders, personality disorders), Forensic Psychology (e.g., forensic assessment, malingering, juvenile offenders, eyewitness testimony).

Max Colombi, MSc
Division: Neuropsychology
Room: 5.761
E-mail: max.colombi

Neuropsychology, Traumatic brain injury, Rehabilitation, Stroke
 Drs. Stefanie Duijvis
Division: FPN/CPS
Room: 2.773
E-mail: stefanie.duijvis

Anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, psychological treatment, psychiatry, adults, preferably Dutch students

Last modified: Mon, 02/09/2024 - 11:55

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