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Lecture recordings: info for staff and students


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Lecture recording policy

  • Lecture recording is the default in the bachelor programme. However, the course instructor can decide otherwise.
  • Lecture recording is optional in all master programmes. The course instructor can request recording.

Workshops, practicals and response lectures are not recorded, unless explicitly requested by the course coordinator.

Obviously, the lecture hall also needs to have a lecture recorder. The following lecture halls are equiped with a lecture recorder:

  • DEB1 B0.122 (175)
  • DEB1 B0.126 (50)
  • UNS40 A0.731 Luik zaal (35)
  • UNS40 A0.771 Tongeren zaal (70)
  • UNS40 B0.647 Maastricht zaal (400)
  • UNS40 B0.673 Aken zaal (150)
  • UNS40 C-1.667 Heerlen zaal (50)
  • UNS50 K0.402 Blauwe zaal (282)
  • UNS50 K0.406 Groene zaal (76)
  • UNS50 K0.420 Bonte zaal (64)
  • UNS50 K0.470 Paarse zaal (72)
  • UNS50 K0.480 Coen Hemker zaal  = Rode Zaal(76)

Without a recorder: all other UNS40, UNS50, DUB30 rooms , for example:

  • Keulenzaal (40)
  • Diepenbeekzaal (35)
  • Jo Ritzenzaal (70)


How do I know what will be recorded?

Course instructors are kindly requested to communicate in time about their lecture recording policy.  Workshops, practicals and response lectures are not recorded, unless explicitly requested by the course coordinator.

For most courses,  an overview of planned recordings is available in the first Canvas module, often this is the "Welcome" module. There is no automatic connection between the timetable and the recording schedule. If you do not see a lecture in this overview, we (recording team) are not aware of it.

Availability of lecture recordings
Lecture recordings can be found under the "Mediasite Videos" menu item in the course. Recordings will be available a few days after the lecture, often even right after the lecture.

Problems with recordings
If you have an issue with recordings, please send a message via AskPsy.nl/contact. Include enough information, for example course code and name, date and time of the lecture, link to the recording and description/screenshot of the problem.


See also

Video: info for teachers and tutors
Canvas: info for teachers and tutors
Canvas: attendance registration for teachers and tutors
Last modified: Wed, 04/09/2024 - 10:26

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