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Changes in the pre-master Psychology

Educational curricula or Rules can change from year to year. Below you will find both curriculum and general changes.

Changes in 2024-2025

Changes premaster Psychology in 2024-2025

Education and Exam Regulation - Applies to all students
Art. 8.2 and 8.7 (admission requirements and curriculum pre-master Psychology): further clarification of the (im)possibility to change the set of courses as they were originally determined and communicated by the Board of Admissions - once the pre-master student has started the programme.

Period 1

IPN1022X Methods and Techniques of Research
IPN2022X Personality and Individual Differences
IPN2137X Practical: Personality Diagnostics for pre-master

  Period 2  

IPN1023X Body and Behaviour
IPN1024 Statistics for Psychologists I
IPN1121X Practical: SPSS I
IPN1129X Practical: Anatomy

             Period 3             

IPN2023X Critical Thinking

Period 4

IPN2025X Consciousness
IPN4191 Academic writing for pre-master

Period 5

IPN2028X Statistics II
IPN4192 Research Practical for pre-master
IPN2135X Practical: SPSS II

Period 6

IPN3109X Psychodiagnostics
IPN3157X Practical: Constructing a Psychological Test for pre-master

Introduced in 2023-2024

Pre-master Psychology

This programme is being offered for the first time in 2023-2024,  and consists of
an individual selection of the following courses:

• IPN2023 'Critical Thinking '
• IPN4144 'Academic writing for pre-master '
• IPN1026 'Perception '
• IPN2026 'Man and Machine '
• IPN3011 'Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience '
• IPN3153 'Excel for Scientists '
• IPN2028 'Statistics II '
• IPN2135 'SPSS II '
• IPN4027 'Research practical for pre-master '
• IPN3109A 'Psychodiagnostics '
• IPN3157 'Constructing a Psychological Test '
• IPN9518 'Facultary Introduction Pre-master PSY '


Last modified: Mon, 26/08/2024 - 10:59

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