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Revision bachelor Psychology

FPN will launch a redesigned bachelor Psychology programme in September 2024. The curriculum of the revised bachelor Psychology programme will only apply to new students starting their bachelor Psychology from 2024 - 2025 onwards. It offers different learning lines and a central focus on a personal portfolio. It is important to note that the new programme does not imply any shortcomings in the current curriculum. The existing curriculum is valuable and trains outstanding professionals.

Who will start with the revised curriculum in September 2024? 

From the academic year 2024 - 2025, newly enrolled students in the bachelor Psychology programme will start with the revised curriculum in their first year.


I have already started and am on track; does the revision change anything for me? 

If you are on track, meeting all requirements and your progress is as expected, the revision will not affect you. You can continue and complete your current curriculum within the specified time frame.


What if I am not on track? 

Students who started their study in 2023 - 2024 or earlier can complete their programme in the current curriculum. From academic year 2024 - 2025, we will offer students the opportunity to repeat one or more modules for each year of the bachelor programme. This option will include both theoretical courses and practicals.

The table below shows you how this works:

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As you can see, in the upcoming academic year (2024 - 2025), only year 1 courses will be offered as repeat education; years 2 & 3 of the bachelor programme will be offered as regular education.
In 2025-2026, the year 2 modules will be offered as repeat education alongside the regular year 3 courses, and in 2026 - 2027, year 3 will be offered as repeat education.


Transitional arrangements

The current curriculum will be phased out, after the repeat education. Transitional arrangements will be made for students who are behind in their studies at that time and still need to pass courses. Such an arrangement can include a modified exam format, possibly in different periods, or following tailor-made courses. If you have any questions or concerns regarding study delay, please contact the academic advisers in time.

For example: 

If you started your bachelor Psychology in the academic year 2023 - 2024, and did not pass the 'Body & Behaviour' course, you will be offered the opportunity to complete this first year course in the following academic year 2024 - 2025, both in terms of attendance and final assessment.

Will the Binding Study Advice (BSA) remain? 

Yes, the Binding Study Advice remains for students who started in 2023 - 2024, which means that you will need to pass a minimum of 42 ECTS, including M&T or Statistics I in your first year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Binding Study Advice, please contact the academic advisers as soon as possible.

How do I arrange repeat education? 

In order to continue your studies, you must re-enrol in the bachelor programme in time and register for the courses you need to repeat. 
•    If you have not passed the attendance, you can simply register for the course and you will be scheduled for the education. 
•    If you already passed the attendance and registered for the course, you will not be scheduled for the education (as you have already passed the attendance), but only for the exam. However, if you would like to follow the tutorials again to refresh your memory and get a better understanding of the material, you will need to request this via Askpsy (see https://www.askpsy.nl/repeat-education). 
We advise you to register for all outstanding year 1 courses before 21 July 2024, so that you can be scheduled as soon as possible and any overlap with other year courses can be resolved before the start of the academic year.

See FPN News for project updates 

The curriculum project team will communicate milestones in their project via Canvas announcements and email. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Last modified: Mon, 24/06/2024 - 10:47

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