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Repeat Education: reattend the tutorial group meetings

To pass a course, you must fulfil the attendance requirement and achieve a pass in the assessment (exam, paper, etc.). If, for whatever reason, you fail the assessment in the same year (or do not attend the assessment), you can retake the assessment in any of the following years. The resits page explains this in more detail.

If you need to take the assessment in one of the following years, you may wish to refresh your knowledge before attempting the resit. However, the official rule is that you may NOT attend tutorial group meetings if you have already fulfilled the attendance requirement. However, with the resit option, we offer you the opportunity to attend tutorial meetings again to help you prepare for the exam. 

Please note that you will be expected to attend all meetings if you chose repeat education. If you miss more than two meetings, your tutor may deny you access to the remaining meetings. 

How to register

To attend the tutorials again, you need to do two things, both before the end of the course registration window:
•    Register yourself for the course in the Student Portal before the registration deadline of the respective period. As you already passed the attendance requirement, this registration only entails a registration for the exam and access to the materials. 
•    Sign up for Repeat Education via askpsy@maastrichtuniversity.nl. Please mention your name and student number as well as the code and name of the course you would like to follow. FPN Education Office will then assign you to a tutorial group. You will see the schedule of your tutorial meetings in your timetable once it’s been published.


Last modified: Thu, 27/06/2024 - 17:07

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