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Cancelling courses and exams

We urge you to cancel your courses and exams on time so the Education Office can allocate time and resources efficiently.

Cancelling courses or exams during the booking window
If you will not be taking part in a course or exam, please cancel your registration through the student portal during the appropriate course booking window and/or the exam registration windows. Please see the page about booking windows for the exact dates.

Cancelling courses or exams after the booking window
• Courses can be cancelled until the week before the first teaching activity of that course. Send a message through the contact form on AskPsy.
• Exams and resits cannot be cancelled after the booking window has expired, regardless of the reason.
 Consequences of not cancelling an exam, resit or course
• If you are registered for a course and you do not follow that course, the course will appear in the student portal as NG (=not graded).
• If you are registered for an exam/resit and you do not take that exam/resit, the exam/resit will appear in the student portal as NG (=not graded).

The NG grade does not affect your GPA since that is calculated over the courses you passed, nor will it appear on the transcript with your diploma, nor does it prevent you from graduating with distinction (cum laude). It may however affect your MaRBLe status and your eligibility for tutoring at UM.

Students with alternative exam arrangements:
In case you will be absent from an exam with alternative arrangements you need to notify the Exams Coordinator, so any provisions (such as the room reservation and invigilator) that have been made can be cancelled. Please note that if you are absent without sending prior notice you forfeit your right to the alternative exam arrangement. You need to contact the Exams Coordinator by sending a message through the contact form on AskPsy. In addition, Please note that you still do need to cancel the exam via the Student Portal, and that the exam registration will not be cancelled once the booking window has expired (see Cancelling courses or exams).
Please contact the Education Office if you have questions about the course or exam registration. You should report any technical problems when trying to register immediately. If you report a problem after the booking window has expired, the token regulation will be applied.
Last modified: Tue, 28/05/2024 - 15:42

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