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Ba Y3: Extra exam option for last outstanding course

If your bachelor graduation would be delayed by more than 6 months because of failing one compulsory core course, you can request to participate in an extra exam for that course if you meet the conditions.

Only for a compulsory core course

Compulsory courses are all courses of the Bachelor programme in Psychology, with the exception of elective courses, skills training, practical trainings or other educational units. These core courses have a maximum of 6 ECTS.

For example:
- 'Motivation and Emotion' (PSY3013), 'Complex Cognition' (PSY/IPN2021) and 'Discover Psychology' (PSY1029) are core courses.
- The Research Practical (PSY2027) is a practical, not a core course.
- The Research Participation Obligation is not a core course, but an educational unit.


•  You should have more than 6 months study delay exclusively due to the fact that you still have to pass one failed compulsory course to graduate.

•  You must have participated in all exam opportunities for this course, both regular exam(s) and resit(s) in previous and current academic years.
An exception can be made for students who skipped an exam opportunity because of a study plan that was set up together with the academic adviser at FPN and who kept to this study plan. Or because of (proven) personal circumstances (as defined in article 9, sub 1, of the rules and regulations of the EER) that prevented taking the exam/resit.

•  You have never made use of this opportunity before.
It's a once-only opportunity.

• It should be your last compulsory core course you need to pass. This implies you are at least a fourth year bachelor student who already passed all bachelor core courses except this one.   

• You must have passed all other graduation requirements.
For example: being registered as a student, no outstanding tuition fee debts.

Procedure: write to the Board of Examiners

If you meet all of the conditions, you can submit a request to the Board of Examiners.

Send a written request (letter) to the Board of Examiners and include the following information:
- The name and course code, and your highest grade for this course

- If you attended all exams & resits for this course. (If not: explain)
- If you already contacted the Academic Advisers about the third exam option (only for the exam in October)

- If you already reregistered for the next academic year (only for the exam in October)

Extra exam option for courses of period 4, 5 and 6:
If you have not discussed this option with the academic advisers yet, we advise you to do so before you apply for this extra exam, preferably before you reregister for the new academic year.

The extra exam option might not always be the best choice; the academic adviser can discuss this with you. If you choose for the extra exam option, make sure you have a valid registration for the new academic year. 

Request before 24 Aug. 2024 23:59h.
Exam: 21 - 25 October 2024  (= exam week of period 1)



Extra exam option for courses of period 1, 2 and 3:
You don't have to discuss this extra exam option with the academic advisers. 
Request before  13 April 2022 23:59h. 
Exam: 5 June - 8 June 2022  (= exam week of period 5)



Frequently asked questions

- Do I need to reregister for the next academic year?
If we approve your request, you need to have an active reregistration, including payment of tuition fee, at the moment the exam takes place.  In other words: yes, you need to reregister.
- When do I end my registration?
For the extra exam in June: you do not need to deregister. You will be automatically deregistered by Maastricht University with effect from 1 September.  More info >>
For the extra exam in October: you need to terminate your registration at the end of October, even if you do not know if you passed the extra exam.

See: Terminating your studies' >> for more information about terminating your study and possible reimbursement of the tuition fee.

- If I pass the last exam in October and subsequently graduate for the bachelor’s programme in October, can I start my master’s programme per 1 September of the current year?
No. The first opportunity to start an FPN master’s programme is 1 September of the consecutive academic year since the bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite for admittance. Some master programmes at other faculties / universities may start in other months e.g. per 1 February. Please inform yourself via their websites. 

- What if I fail this extra exam option?
If you fail the exam in October you have to stay registered to take the regular and/or resit exam later in the year. It is not possible to de-register after the first exam, and re-register just before the regular exam/resit. Any (earlier) termination requests will not be processed. Your registration automatically extends till you graduate.
If you fail the exam in June you can register for the next academic year. Make sure you re-register before 25 July. See: Re-registration

- Who books this extra exam?
 The Education Office books and schedules this exam. You will be informed about the format, date, time and location in due time.

Keywords: derde toetskans, third exam

Last modified: Thu, 11/07/2024 - 11:42

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