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LOGO-GZ in detail


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What is the LOGO GZ  (Healthcare Requirement) certificate ?

The LOGO GZ-certificate proves that you have the background and skills to apply for a spot in a Dutch healthcare psychology programme (Gezondheidspsycholoog aka GZ-psycholoog). The requirements are more extensive than those of the BAPD. Besides more required courses, it includes treatment-related activities within your clinical internship. The internship should be at least 520 hours. Minimally 20% of the time should be spend on diagnostics and care needs assessment, and 80% on treatment. Or minimally 20% of the time should be spend on treatment, and then 80% on diagnostics and care needs assessment. Part of the activities can be passive (attending/watching); however this cannot be more than 40% of  the time. At least 60% of the time candidates should actively participate in clinical activities.

Requirements LOGO GZ certificate

The minimum criteria for the LOGO GZ certificate are:
• The internship should be at least 520 hours. Minimally 20% of the time should be spend on diagnostics and care needs assessment, and 80% on treatment. Or minimally 20% of the time should be spend on treatment, and then 80% on diagnostics and care needs assessment. 
• have met the specific theoretical requirements.  This is a combination of courses of your FPN master and bachelor programme.
• either have a BAPD-certificate or a 'vLOGO verklaring diagnostiek casussen'. 

If you did the FPN Bachelor in Psychology, you automatically fulfill the theoretical requirements. If you did any other bachelor, at UM or elsewhere, please contact the BAPD/LOGO-coordinator to discuss your options.



BAPD/NIP + GZIeke Winkensi.winkens maastrichtuniversity.nl

Hours: even weeks on Tuesday
Please email to make an appointment.
043 388 4512room A2.761




Last modified: Tue, 27/08/2024 - 16:28

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