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For students from Germany

Welcome in Maastricht, welcome at FPN. Here some questions that pop up quite often.

Common questions

I'm going to live in the Netherland. What do I have to arrange?
Many German students commute to the UM. If you plan to move to Maastricht, the UM website has a lot of information on Housing and Living.  And the Student Service Centre  has a FAQ (under 'Coming to and staying in the Netherlands')

Kann ich Bafög / ’Studiefinancierung’ beantragen?
Wenn man die Bedingungen erfüllt, kann man die Studiengebühren vom Niederländischen Staat leihen (auf NL: Collegegeldkrediet). Für mehr Informationen, sieh dir bitte die homepage der DUO.

Alternativ kann man, nachdem die Studiengebühren bezahlt sind, bei der DUO-IB Groep eine Art niederländisches Bafög beantragen (’Studiefinanciering’). Dann bekommt man jährlich ca. € 230,- pro Monat von der DUO-IB Groep überwiesen. Absolute Vorraussetzung dafür ist allerdings, dass man pro Monat minimal 56 Stunden in den Niederlanden arbeitet. Dies wird von der DUO-IB Groep streng kontrolliert. Darüber hinaus kann es schwierig werden neben dem Studium diese 56 Stunden pro Monat zu erreichen, da die Studienbelastung ca. 35-40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche beträgt. Informier dich auf der Website der DUO.

Wer in Deutschland Anspruch auf Bafög hat, kann in der Regel auch im Ausland gefördert werden. Für mehr Information, siehe: www.bafoeg.bmbf.de.

I have BaFöG, Renteversicherung or Kindergeld forms to be signed.
- The Kindergeld, Waisenrente or BaFöG-form to prove that you are still studying can be signed by the Student Service Centre.
SSC also accepts the form via email: study maastrichtuniversity.nl

- A form that requires information on study progress, such as BaFöG Formblatt F, has to be handled by the Board of Examiners. Hand it it at the Service Desk

How do I get admitted to the clinical training programmes in Nordrhein-Westfalen?
German students with a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience at Maastricht University who want to enrol in a training programme in psychotherapy in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) need to be admitted by the Landesprüfungsamt (LPA) of NRW.
More information on the LPA admission procedure can be found on



Where do I park my car?
There is free parking at the UNS50,

In addition, International students who do not have a room in Maastricht but commute almost every day from Germany or Belgium, can get a parking permit in Maastricht for €50 per year, which allows them to park between 08.00 and 19.00 in parking areas near the university buildings. The UM-website has more information on this parking permit.


Related links

International Service Desk UM
Are you an international student and confronted with challenges you can’t solve without the help of a professional and native Dutch speaker? The ISD offers face-to-face help for international students.

Student handbook 2016-2017
Offers practical information about the UM and living in the Netherlands.

Language centre  offers Dutch and English language courses

Last modified: Wed, 05/07/2017 - 10:07

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