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Publish your paper

Are you ready to take your academic journey to the next level? Introducing the Maastricht Student Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience (MSJPN) - your gateway to the world of scientific publishing!

Our journal is by students, for students, making it a truly collaborative endeavor. We welcome submissions of all types of papers

But here is the best part: when you submit your work, our dedicated team of staff editors carefully assess each submission for its potential, ensuring that only the highest quality papers make it to publication.
And guess what? You could be one of our student reviewers too, providing valuable feedback to your peers and shaping the future of scientific discourse.

Explore the incredible work already published by your fellow students on our online platform. And if you are feeling inspired to share your own research or join our team of reviewers, do not hesitate to reach out.
Drop us an email at studentjournal @ studentjournal-fpn@maastrichtuniversity.nl.


Last modified: Mon, 25/03/2024 - 11:31

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