We all experience times when we feel like we cannot cope with everyday life. Sometimes this can start to affect our everyday lives and prevent us from doing the things we want to do. Recognisable? The UM Psychologists can help.
Quick Psychological Referral (QPR)
Sometimes, one meeting may be enough to get back on track. In other cases, some follow-up meetings may help. A Quick Psychological Referral (QRP) might be just what you need. A QPR is a ten-minute meeting online, at the Student Services Centre (SSC), or at UM Sports (Randwyck) in which you can briefly describe your current situation and ask your most relevant questions. Naturally, all the information you share will be treated confidentially.
The UM Psychologists will refer you to the right care within or outside UM.
Make an appointment online for a QPR You will receive a confirmation email with further information afterwards.
Workshops are also organised to help with psychological issues; examples include stress management, time management and assertiveness training.
Emergency or crisis?
Contact your GP.
Outside office hours call the Maastricht UMC+ GP Medical Post (huisartsenpost HAP)
+31 43 7500 123For life threatening situations, dial 112.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, please dial 0800-0113 or go to 113.nl.