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All FPN Information sessions

This page lists all information sessions that are organised or scheduled by the FPN Education Office. These sessions are meant to explain elements or regulations within a programme, or address study related topics.

Unfortunately, dates for these sessions can only be picked from sept 2023 onwards, so the list will grow over time.

Good to know:
• Information sessions are voluntary. The term 'meeting' is used if an event is compulsory.
• Sessions will be announced via Canvas, unless clearly stated otherwise.
• The codes between bracket, for example '[A14]', are just for internal numbering. It helps us to keep track.
• Whenever possible, we record the session for later viewing.
• Compliments, suggestions and complaints are welcome.
FPN information sessions for 2023-2024
 Mon. 18 Sept. 20231Y Ma[A01]  Next year's internship, thesis and electives: preparation,
supervision and assessment Watch >>
Hosted by: coordinator Gerda Kraag
Wed. 20 Sept. 2023RM NP

Only RM specialisation NP:  Internship.  Watch >>
Hosted by: Michael Schwartze

1Y MaWorkshop "Study Smart".  Max. 24 participants
Wed. 27 Sept. 2023RM Y1 [A45] 'Electives in the Research Master'   Watch >>
Thu. 28 Sept. 2023Ba Y1[A26] 'Discover Psychology in P3: the four options explainedWatch >>
Hosted by:coordinator Kim Kuypers 
3 October 2023all[A39] "Welcome @FPN: What you should know about exams, Rules and Regulations"
Watch >>
1 November 2023Ba Y2 Y3

[A06] A (FPN) master after the bachelor Watch >>
Hosted by Gerda Galenkamp

27 November 2023Ba Y2

[A46] Electives 2024-2025: Q and A about electives that require preparation'

The videos below provide essential information for this Q&A session. Please watch the videos before the session and ask your questions during the Q&A.
- Presentation "General overview elective options" (Coordinator Judith Peters )
- Presentation "Electives abroad" (IRO,  coordinator Ellen Blaauw)
- Presentation "Clinical package" (Coordinator Andrea Smitten)
- Presentation "Internship" (Coordinator Alicia Walkowiak)
- Presentation  "MaRBLe" (Coordinator  Arie van der Lugt)
- Info about the "Citizen project" (Coordinator Anke Sambeth) 

13:30 - 14:00 Online. Link in timetable.
Recording: NO


Workshop 'Study Smart'
Not held, now part of the project of Anke Sambeth.

NovemberBa Y1[A05] "The Binding Study Advice"
Moved to January 2024
TBA December1Y

For 1Y Ma students who are going to do a clinical internship:
Information session: (peer) supervision  during the internship.
Hosted by:coordinator Ieke Winkens

DecemberRM FMWorkshop 'Study Smart' 
Not held. Contact Anke Sambeth if interested.
TBA Jan. 20241YMAInternship update .  
Hosted by: coordinators and IRO
Recording: YES.   In timetable: YES.

8 Jan. 2024Ba Y2Additional Q and A on Electives Abroad
 Only for eligible students -> IRO sends you an email.
 Location: online. Hosted by: IRO
Recording: NO.   In timetable: NO.

10 Jan 2024
RM (Y1)[A10] "Next year's internship & thesis: preparation, supervision and assessment"
Watch >>
TBA Jan 2024RM NP

Internship Information Session for RM NP (Ieke Winkens)
Watch >>

TBA Jan 2024RM PPInternship Information Session for RM PP (Nicole Geschwindt)
Recording: tba.   In timetable: if coordinator informs us.
TBA Jan 2024RM FNInternship Information Session for RM FN (Pilar Martinez)
Recording: tba.   In timetable: if coordinator informs us.
TBA Jan 2024RM CNInternship Information Session for RM CN (Lars Hausfeld)
Recording: tba.   In timetable: if coordinator informs us.
16 Jan 2024CP

Internship information Session for CP
Watch >>

Tue. 16 Jan 2024Ba Y2 Y3

[A09] "Clinical Careers in the Netherlands and Germany"
  Watch >>   Hosted by: Academic Advisers

Wed. 24 Jan. 2024Ba Y1

[A05] "The Binding Study Advice"
Not recorded unfortunately. AskPsy info >>

Mon. 5 Feb. 2024

[A12] Future MMH students: Info session about the Master Mental Health
Watch >>
Hosted by: coordinator Ieke Winkens

Tue. 27 Feb. 2024BA
Electives abroad :
[A23] BA Y2 pre-departure meeting for this year's exchange students  (PSY3378a)
16:00 - 18:30 hrs, Maastrichtzaal

[A31] BA Y3 welcome-back meeting for last year's exchange students (PSY3378)
16:30 - 18:30 hrs, Maastrichtzaal

Hosted by: IRO
Recording: NO.   In timetable: YES. 
26 March 2024
Ba Y2Second info session on Electives 2024-2025 
Presentation "General  information elective application procedure" (Coordinator Judith Peters )
Presentation "Bachelor thesis" (coordinator Max Colombi)
In timetable: yes  
Recording: no
5 March 2024

[A13] FPN's Master Mental Health, Q and A internships
For all potential students. Coen Hemkerzaal, 16:00 - 17:00 hrs.
Hosted by: coordinator Ieke Winkens
Recording: NO.   In timetable: NO.

TBA March 2024Ba Y2Compulsory Pre-departure meeting for Electives abroad
Meeting for fall 2024 elective abroad students
Hosted by: IRO + Herco Fonteijn
Recording: NO.   In timetable: YES.

14 May 2024Ba Y1[A24] "Electives abroad: what it takes to go abroad (2025-2026)"
13:30-14:30 hrs.
Location: online (link will be published in timetable)
Hosted by: IRO
Recording: YES.   In timetable: YES.

13 June 2024RM Y1

Q and A "Internship in 2024-2025"
- presentation "Q&A Internships Research Master 
Voluntary session for 1st-year Research Master students (excluding Forensic Master and IJMRWOP) who still have questions.
Hosted by: Internship coordinators and IRO
Recording: No.   In timetable: YES.


Last modified: Wed, 19/06/2024 - 11:03

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